I think I finished the painting with Tofu...the neighbor dog...What do ya'll think?
Finished? I can never decide. Sometimes it takes months for me to figure out whether or not a painting wants to be done. I used to be so much more decisive in my younger days of arrogance
( early 20's). I didn't have the self editing that seems to plague me now.
Here is my very organized( for me) painting spot.
Unfortunately, it won't stay that way for long.
I am the worlds biggest studio slob...of course not as big as Francis Bacon...not that I am comparing myself to the painting God himself....but he was a Slob! Take a look.
My Birthday, and My Friend Nadine
3 weeks ago
...but I liked your earlier version too, where the 'head' blended into the corner more, with the birds accenting it.
It has a completely different life now! Definitely interesting in it's own rite!!
Cool stuff.
~OOPS!~ I should proof before I hit 'submit'!!
that should have read "...without the birds accenting it."
Probably neither version makes much sense!
Wow! Your studio is really clean and tidy! Unfortunately my "studio" (in my kitchen) is more like that of Francis Bacon! Well Ok, maybe not that bad!
I think your painting looks wonderful! To be honest though I think you had more reds in it before, which I really liked. But hey, you're the artist, and maybe you decided you didn't like that as much? I love how the birds are flying towards the sun.
Hey Svelte and Un D,
Thanks for the comments. I really appreciate you taking time to help with the painting. I did take the reds out feeling like the lady was blending too much into the red. This new version does seem a little milder. Maybe I will go back with the reds in the left corner to bring back some dynamism in the painting.
You have won an award, come on over and receive it!
I do love the birds. And I think I agree with svelte ... but you are the artist, so what you choose to express is what it should be! :)
I love it.
I really love this painting!
Much love always...
Sister T
I LOVE it too... very dynamic and I always love your birds!
Your colours are always so bright and beautiful. Very tidy studio...my art room isnt like that (very often).
The absolute hardest part of a painting or most any original art piece is knowing when we are done... I don't think I'll ever conquer that task...
Holey Moley, Leanne... Francis Bacons studio.. He must have been in the mindset of never throw anything away,ever,,, you just never know, you might need it someday!!! and I thought I was bad and I thought my husband John was worse.. geez now I think we must be close to being clean freaks compared to this!!! thanks for the visual..
I am crazy over your CRAZY heads!!! amazing.. I think I've had about that many voices in my head at once too!!! very cool idea!!!
ohhh, i love this painting just the way it is, leanne. and francis bacon's studio... this virgo is shaking her head. ; )
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