Here are some drawings I did in London when I found myself without clay.....
These two are from the Picasso exhibit.
The left is Girl in a Chemise
The right is Ferndrid? in a Black Mantilla. ( sorry I can't read my writing about who this sweet lady is. I will look it up later.)
This was a portrait of Olga as a Giantess/ Roman Goddess.
Seated woman 1920
A painting by Bellini
Madonna and Child
On the airplane home I did my own version of Hans Holbein the Younger's
A Lady with a Squirrel and a Starling
And I also did a preliminary sketch for a series of paintings I am thinking of about animals that are going extinct or already are extinct.
This little fellow is the dusky seaside sparrow. The image came from my National Geographic via Florida Natural History Museum, Florida State University.
I see him in his natural colors with a red/ gold back ground.
My Birthday, and My Friend Nadine
3 weeks ago
Oh Leanne, your drawings are beautiful!
I look forward to seeing your series of paintings. I thought about doing something like that with clay, but it would take me so long that many more animals would become extinct before I'd finished!!
Oh that looks like a sorry little spuggy :(
Your drawings are really great :). I saw a huge picasso exhibit in D.C. and it was jaw dropping. This sounds like it was similar in the scale of the exhibit.
Wonderful drawings!
They are great! And guess what .. I've been thinking of doing a series on species that are going extinct too! It won't happen any time soon since I have too much going on, but I've been having fun thinking of the ones I would do, and how I would do them. Looking forward to seeing what you have planned!
Beautiful sketchs, Aunt Leanne, I really like the extinct birdy and your version of "A Lady with a Squirrel and a Starling" (is that a crow?)
Love you,
Thanks Linda,
It looks like me, you and Bindu are all on the same page with doing a series of art pieces on the growing number of animals who are extinct or going extinct. Maybe we all should do a show together????
Thank you Jafa!
It really was an amazing display of his work. And his power as an artist just jumped off the walls and walked around with you. I loved it. Swooning in my mind right now.
Thank bunches B and W!
Hey Bindu,
Undaunted, you and I were all on the same page about making pieces talking toward the extinction problem. Maybe we all should do a show and invite other artists?
I'll bet I could find a venue.
Hey Queeny!
thanks sweetie.
I tried to make that little guy a starling but maybe I had crow on the brain. I usually do.:)
Wow with all the goings on of a trip you actually had time to do all these wonderful drawings too.. You are very prolific and your work is so distinctive.. I can't wait to see your next series!!!
what an inspiration you are! I often forget that pencil and paper are just as important as thread and machine!
THANK YOU for the reminder to jump outside the box!
xo, monica :)
Love your sketches...I like the Madonna and Child.
That's a great idea! I'm really slow though, but this might give me a push.
Oh Leanne, that would be wonderful!! I would love to exhibit with you and Bindu, but how would it be possible? How would I get my pieces over there? (in one piece anyway!) Wow, I'd better get coiling and sort the details out later!! :D
I've finished the polar bear anyway, although I think there is some debate over whether it is really an endangered species or not.
OH, Wonderful recount of your trip!! Thanks for letting me relive London through your posts!!
thanks, leanne! i especially love your version of 'a lady with a squirrel...' and the sparrow sketch. wonderful...
Thanks Gwen,
I love sneaking time in the museum to draw my favorites. I learn so much by sitting and staring.
And it is fun just to draw with purpose again. Something I take for granted sometimes.
Hey Monica!
Oh! You are sweet. Thank you.
I feel like your work is delightfully outside the box! Can't wait to see what you have been up to.
Bindu and Un D,
I am pondering the show and putting out feelers. Will post about it soon. Keep it in your mind though.
Thanks Svelte!
You would've loved seeing Mr. Will surrounded by birds and squirrels all eating from his hands. It was so much fun.
Hey Lynne,
Thank you so much. Coming from you, it means a lot.
Oh how enchanting! Your style is wonderful, Leanne. I love dusky seaside sparrow. Such a great idea doing a series on threatened species.
Leanne, your sketches of women are wonderful... I absolutely love your style! Welcome home from London... Roxanne
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