to me!!!!
'My mother-in-law and her husband Dick gave me a gift certificate to Amazon.com so that I could buy these amazing books!
I am so excited about the Irish crochet. It is a lot like free form crochet but of course more complicated and tedious. The stitches have to be really small and precise and controlled. Because they use a cord on which to crochet I am having to relearn how to hold all the threads so that they stay tight and in place. It really is an amazing craft and I plan to master it one day I suspect far into the future.
I am still working on Will's sweater the Jolly Roger from the Happy Hooker and have progressed a bit. I am thinking I will finish it on the way to NY this summer for our vacation.
My mom gave me this knitting novel to read. I'm sure it will be sappy and cute and leave you feeling good. And I say what's wrong with that? We need more feel good moments in our lives.