Friday, May 19, 2006

look! brocoli!

Is this not the cutest picture ever?
This is our first of many brocoli that we started a couple of months ago. We ate it in a fresh spinach salad with grapes, snap peas, chicken, cheese, peanuts and to top it off ranch dressing of course! It was tender and delicious!


Here is the camilla I featured earlier this spring that had bud on it. Isn't it glorious? Isn't spring the best time ever?
I am amazed at the fact that I used to secretly laugh at my friends and family who spent hours in their gardens thinking to my self, "what a waste of time." And now half of me and Will's convesation is about flowers, trees and the veges that are spurting up so quickly. I won't even get into the fact that I am a closet bird watcher and can be caught exclaiming at any point, " look at that bluebird! or I wonder what those vultures are circling?"
Who knows what other surprises I have in store for myself.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

My newest

So today was mom and dad's drawing class and they did so good! We started with color washes in ink. We put color where we thought the objects would go. And then with pecil or india ink we started with one of the objects and put it in relation to all the other objects. Ultimately finding how wrong our first impressions of how things look really is. This technique also is very freeing because everything always ends up outside the lines.

Dad's Newest

Mom's Newest!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

First Harvest

These little buggers are the first things to come out of the garden this season. ( We have had tomatoes from the front yard....which apparently is like having a old buick stacked up on cement blocks according to a neighbor of mine..i.e....we are rednecks...) Anyway, AREN'T THEY CUTE!
We have about 92,000 radishes all ready to eat and guess what, I hate radishi. They are so bitter and taste a little like dirt. What else can you do with them? I'm thinking about picking them all and getting some pretty ribbon to tie them into bunches. And then plopping them down on the neighbors stoops as a spring present. There has to be someone out there who likes to actually eat them.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Excuse the belly

My name in lights

We (me and a group of friends) have a show this weekend at the upstairs gallery and here is my name in LIGHTS!!!! Can you believe it? All of our names are in lights and there are 6 of us. But it just seems so cool to have your name splashed in red all down Battleground avenue for the world to see...or some of Greensboro to see. I made Will drive me down on the motorcycle to take a picture and it was a wonderful afternoon together. There is a bottle of champagne in the freezer for a toast to my show and Will's end of the semester and the start of summer.
Yay Summer! Get out those tank tops and birkenstocks.